21298 rank

25,152 points

8 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leontius the Just 918    AAA
Mount Killmore 17911 Leontius the Just 918 AAA 50,223 129
Leontius the Just 918    The Rejects
Fel Dranghyr 17457 Leontius the Just 918 The Rejects 40,182 60
Leontius the Just 918   
Cirgard 19770 Leontius the Just 918 27,865 15
Leontius the Just 918   
Arvahall 22894 Leontius the Just 918 27,016 7
Leontius the Just 918    Thundercats
Brisgard 21298 Leontius the Just 918 Thundercats 25,152 8
Leontius the Just 918   
East-Nagach 19070 Leontius the Just 918 24,016 12
Leontius the Just 918   
Dinegu 19184 Leontius the Just 918 22,217 53