13621 rank

491,318 points

537 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The bodger    The Lollipop Guild
Arvahall 10351 The bodger The Lollipop Guild 3,299,619 1,910
The bodger    same old faces
Korch 8144 The bodger same old faces 2,833,805 1,526
The bodger    Bodgers'r'us
Uceria 3434 The bodger Bodgers'r'us 1,423,535 1,117
The bodger    bodge man
East-Nagach 9991 The bodger bodge man 1,406,949 1,277
The bodger    scotand1690
Mount Killmore 10509 The bodger scotand1690 1,044,310 1,084
The bodger    Bodgers
Houndsmoor 12352 The bodger Bodgers 575,928 484
The bodger    bodgers peeps
Brisgard 13621 The bodger bodgers peeps 491,318 537
The bodger    bodgeramus
Rugnir 9906 The bodger bodgeramus 263,409 266
The bodger    bodgers bodges
Odhrorvar 12152 The bodger bodgers bodges 259,896 265
The bodger    who gives a toss
Noarsil 12496 The bodger who gives a toss 259,593 251