10643 rank

1,856,438 points

4,392 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Duran of the Dale    British Lions
Houndsmoor 2746 Duran of the Dale British Lions 104,786,689 153,399
Duran of the Dale    🔹🔹️Exodus🔹🔹
Cirgard 3254 Duran of the Dale 🔹🔹️Exodus🔹🔹 65,979,841 116,569
Duran of the Dale    ProPax et Progressus
Arvahall 11435 Duran of the Dale ProPax et Progressus 2,090,376 5,343
Duran of the Dale    No Demands
Brisgard 10643 Duran of the Dale No Demands 1,856,438 4,392
Duran of the Dale    Rangers
Dinegu 12168 Duran of the Dale Rangers 532,885 1,661