13049 rank

603,240 points

562 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PM121027    Captain Sparrow
Uceria 2660 PM121027 Captain Sparrow 2,759,462 1,284
PM121027    League of cultures
Cirgard 11544 PM121027 League of cultures 857,752 666
PM121027    Blindspot
Brisgard 13049 PM121027 Blindspot 603,240 562
PM121027    White star
Sinerania 9072 PM121027 White star 289,616 437
PM121027    Fantasia
Dinegu 13869 PM121027 Fantasia 247,059 340
PM121027    Invincible
Arvahall 17684 PM121027 Invincible 198,072 321