17891 rank

92,479 points

201 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dune the King    The dubious one
Arvahall 18948 Dune the King The dubious one 119,288 337
Dune the King    Economic Guild
Houndsmoor 16542 Dune the King Economic Guild 99,052 263
Dune the King    Shiny happy people
Brisgard 17891 Dune the King Shiny happy people 92,479 201
Dune the King    Bulgarian guild
Greifental 15289 Dune the King Bulgarian guild 92,280 133
Dune the King    Legion
East-Nagach 16494 Dune the King Legion 75,192 198
Dune the King   
Dinegu 19387 Dune the King 22,431 95