17118 rank

123,339 points

23 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Raquel The Great    Spazmos
Tuulech 5790 Raquel The Great Spazmos 306,453 75
Raquel The Great    Skooch
East-Nagach 13593 Raquel The Great Skooch 266,866 46
Raquel The Great    Wildfarts
Brisgard 17118 Raquel The Great Wildfarts 123,339 23
Raquel The Great    Brickcity
Langendorn 14598 Raquel The Great Brickcity 87,347 20
Raquel The Great    Dumbo
Dinegu 16523 Raquel The Great Dumbo 74,416 19
Raquel The Great   
Odhrorvar 15364 Raquel The Great 59,450 23