7709 rank

7,885,635 points

3,343 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
IPDwarf    Foe Hammers
Rugnir 4364 IPDwarf Foe Hammers 8,724,579 3,365
IPDwarf    Freedom to play
Arvahall 8170 IPDwarf Freedom to play 8,709,738 3,363
IPDwarf    Lions Pride
Korch 6254 IPDwarf Lions Pride 8,638,302 3,205
IPDwarf    SA Warriors
Brisgard 7709 IPDwarf SA Warriors 7,885,635 3,343
IPDwarf    Outlaw Rider
East-Nagach 6945 IPDwarf Outlaw Rider 7,857,592 3,185
IPDwarf    LIFE
Parkog 4177 IPDwarf LIFE 7,767,167 3,080