4427 rank

31,742,136 points

28,030 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euridyke the Brash    Graceland
Mount Killmore 269 Euridyke the Brash Graceland 1,162,550,066 472,228
Euridyke the Brash    Designated Drinkers
Houndsmoor 2416 Euridyke the Brash Designated Drinkers 125,761,742 101,162
Euridyke the Brash    Crusaders ⚔️
Uceria 523 Euridyke the Brash Crusaders ⚔️ 81,136,402 78,710
Euridyke the Brash    Parabellum
Cirgard 4427 Euridyke the Brash Parabellum 31,742,136 28,030
Euridyke the Brash    E⚔️C⚔️V
Odhrorvar 3798 Euridyke the Brash E⚔️C⚔️V 29,249,517 26,889