9792 rank

1,872,120 points

1,841 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
chosokabe    ⚔Nemesis⚔
Rugnir 5 chosokabe ⚔Nemesis⚔ 3,456,289,178 1,063,270
chosokabe    The Neighbourhood
East-Nagach 694 chosokabe The Neighbourhood 527,660,200 280,304
chosokabe    Elysium
Arvahall 2330 chosokabe Elysium 123,071,288 121,491
chosokabe    Greifental Mining Co
Greifental 8335 chosokabe Greifental Mining Co 2,901,100 1,532
chosokabe    Travelling Circus
Houndsmoor 9410 chosokabe Travelling Circus 2,326,726 1,478
chosokabe    predators choso
Dinegu 9413 chosokabe predators choso 1,907,732 1,716
chosokabe    predators
Brisgard 10385 chosokabe predators 1,905,658 1,762
chosokabe    predators
Cirgard 9792 chosokabe predators 1,872,120 1,841
chosokabe    predators choso
Fel Dranghyr 9128 chosokabe predators choso 1,834,597 1,612
chosokabe    predators
Jaims 11450 chosokabe predators 543,992 801
chosokabe    predators
Korch 11578 chosokabe predators 496,507 830
chosokabe    the predators
Langendorn 10927 chosokabe the predators 493,009 797