13932 rank

325,666 points

346 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Honorius the Avenger 692    TEMPLARI
Fel Dranghyr 11836 Honorius the Avenger 692 TEMPLARI 505,355 476
Honorius the Avenger 692   
Cirgard 13932 Honorius the Avenger 692 325,666 346
Honorius the Avenger 692    UK Nomads
Greifental 12872 Honorius the Avenger 692 UK Nomads 275,539 377
Honorius the Avenger 692    Liberate
Rugnir 9865 Honorius the Avenger 692 Liberate 264,040 308
Honorius the Avenger 692   
East-Nagach 14167 Honorius the Avenger 692 208,382 170
Honorius the Avenger 692   
Sinerania 10467 Honorius the Avenger 692 138,218 122