16220 rank

121,714 points

152 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
arrow frog    🔥resurrection🔥
Rugnir 60 arrow frog 🔥resurrection🔥 1,462,675,175 284,328
arrow frog    zvezda crvena
Brisgard 11331 arrow frog zvezda crvena 1,247,106 1,328
arrow frog    DIAMOND GUILD
Parkog 9127 arrow frog DIAMOND GUILD 284,973 232
arrow frog    Invincible
Arvahall 18757 arrow frog Invincible 129,922 175
arrow frog   
Langendorn 13836 arrow frog 126,216 163
arrow frog   
Cirgard 16220 arrow frog 121,714 152
arrow frog    Deers with no eyes
Sinerania 10887 arrow frog Deers with no eyes 111,622 138
arrow frog    big diamonds
Dinegu 15628 arrow frog big diamonds 110,336 133
arrow frog    Welcome One & All.
Jaims 15015 arrow frog Welcome One & All. 110,060 153
arrow frog    The choosen one
Korch 14867 arrow frog The choosen one 107,991 116
arrow frog    Winterfel
Odhrorvar 14185 arrow frog Winterfel 102,020 153
arrow frog    Mega Powers
Noarsil 14628 arrow frog Mega Powers 100,068 164