8409 rank

4,296,916 points

689 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Boyd the Brave    Starship Enterprise
Dinegu 6737 Boyd the Brave Starship Enterprise 8,912,788 1,386
Boyd the Brave    The Young Ones
Cirgard 8409 Boyd the Brave The Young Ones 4,296,916 689
Boyd the Brave    Australia
East-Nagach 8938 Boyd the Brave Australia 2,585,006 507
Boyd the Brave    Barbarians Warlord
Mount Killmore 8685 Boyd the Brave Barbarians Warlord 2,566,183 494
Boyd the Brave    Knight’s Templar
Fel Dranghyr 9603 Boyd the Brave Knight’s Templar 1,488,517 314
Boyd the Brave    Southern Cross
Sinerania 6467 Boyd the Brave Southern Cross 1,349,291 305
Boyd the Brave    Braveheart
Rugnir 7071 Boyd the Brave Braveheart 1,291,327 272
Boyd the Brave    britania
Noarsil 9398 Boyd the Brave britania 1,245,891 281
Boyd the Brave    Kepong
Houndsmoor 12687 Boyd the Brave Kepong 515,931 255
Boyd the Brave    Australian Sun✌🏼
Parkog 9099 Boyd the Brave Australian Sun✌🏼 315,109 200