2763 rank

65,345,566 points

12,439 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wolfman II    Aetos Dios
Fel Dranghyr 680 Wolfman II Aetos Dios 446,226,745 68,811
Wolfman II    Wolfies
Rugnir 587 Wolfman II Wolfies 220,634,291 36,665
Wolfman II    Wolverines
Parkog 1019 Wolfman II Wolverines 96,487,598 25,161
Wolfman II    Wolfmanites
Arvahall 2709 Wolfman II Wolfmanites 80,777,839 13,195
Wolfman II   
Cirgard 2763 Wolfman II 65,345,566 12,439
Wolfman II    Diamonds Forever
Jaims 2618 Wolfman II Diamonds Forever 60,604,402 12,473
Wolfman II    Wolverine gang
Korch 2805 Wolfman II Wolverine gang 52,954,668 15,628
Wolfman II    IE Rangers
Odhrorvar 2689 Wolfman II IE Rangers 50,516,884 10,956
Wolfman II    Solo Spirit
Dinegu 3374 Wolfman II Solo Spirit 46,858,708 7,650
Wolfman II    IE Raiders
Houndsmoor 3750 Wolfman II IE Raiders 42,675,405 6,433
Wolfman II    Wolfies Unite
Greifental 3485 Wolfman II Wolfies Unite 40,193,522 5,733
Wolfman II    Diamond Frenzy
Brisgard 3904 Wolfman II Diamond Frenzy 37,388,982 5,942
Wolfman II    Diamonds
East-Nagach 3939 Wolfman II Diamonds 29,463,675 5,261
Wolfman II    Wolf Cubs 100
Mount Killmore 3887 Wolfman II Wolf Cubs 100 26,144,073 6,145
Wolfman II    Wolfies V
Sinerania 2412 Wolfman II Wolfies V 17,539,779 8,755
Wolfman II    Wolf Warriors
Uceria 904 Wolfman II Wolf Warriors 17,000,604 9,290
Wolfman II    The One and Only
Langendorn 6001 Wolfman II The One and Only 7,151,779 1,350
Wolfman II    Wolfies
Noarsil 7350 Wolfman II Wolfies 3,851,994 1,448