13552 rank

380,166 points

1,059 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hatshepsut the Bold 3308    Basher
Arvahall 11836 Hatshepsut the Bold 3308 Basher 1,701,375 2,838
Hatshepsut the Bold 3308    Vision
Cirgard 13552 Hatshepsut the Bold 3308 Vision 380,166 1,059
Hatshepsut the Bold 3308    Castles
Brisgard 15115 Hatshepsut the Bold 3308 Castles 271,526 837
Hatshepsut the Bold 3308   
Fel Dranghyr 15521 Hatshepsut the Bold 3308 91,048 220
Hatshepsut the Bold 3308    Standing horses
Dinegu 16083 Hatshepsut the Bold 3308 Standing horses 83,811 312
Hatshepsut the Bold 3308    Hammertime
East-Nagach 16802 Hatshepsut the Bold 3308 Hammertime 62,175 247