11432 rank

942,313 points

944 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Melina the Wise 962    Asgard Forge
Sinerania 3249 Melina the Wise 962 Asgard Forge 13,802,634 7,986
Melina the Wise 962   
Rugnir 4439 Melina the Wise 962 8,544,172 6,542
Melina the Wise 962   
Brisgard 10639 Melina the Wise 962 1,870,663 3,530
Melina the Wise 962   
Mount Killmore 10595 Melina the Wise 962 1,040,738 1,154
Melina the Wise 962   
Cirgard 11432 Melina the Wise 962 942,313 944