5326 rank

15,661,086 points

2,335 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
daffodil23    Off Site
Arvahall 1893 daffodil23 Off Site 139,254,037 21,715
daffodil23    Bog Standard Guild
Dinegu 3108 daffodil23 Bog Standard Guild 55,596,678 5,687
daffodil23    The Pirate Ship
Fel Dranghyr 3113 daffodil23 The Pirate Ship 49,995,544 14,288
Korch 3219 daffodil23 39,786,597 6,751
daffodil23    Just Me & Me
Jaims 3277 daffodil23 Just Me & Me 39,525,645 6,734
daffodil23    Just Me Me
Langendorn 3145 daffodil23 Just Me Me 38,236,846 5,398
daffodil23    Bish Bosh
Cirgard 5326 daffodil23 Bish Bosh 15,661,086 2,335
daffodil23    Billy no mates
Houndsmoor 6661 daffodil23 Billy no mates 9,433,096 1,497
daffodil23    Sodit guild
East-Nagach 6307 daffodil23 Sodit guild 8,975,445 1,372