1282 rank

270,077,841 points

32,849 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Boris the Least    Shadow Hunters
Cirgard 1282 Boris the Least Shadow Hunters 270,077,841 32,849
Boris the Least    Swift and Bold
Jaims 1581 Boris the Least Swift and Bold 178,079,100 25,389
Boris the Least    ' in the Mist
Arvahall 3882 Boris the Least ' in the Mist 56,462,441 50,611
Boris the Least    War Mongers
Brisgard 3806 Boris the Least War Mongers 51,195,054 40,595
Boris the Least    The Rose
Greifental 3978 Boris the Least The Rose 37,095,296 20,087