3010 rank

67,864,831 points

21,574 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bobby Great    The Cat Herders
Arvahall 957 Bobby Great The Cat Herders 400,494,226 100,777
Bobby Great    knight skulls
Cirgard 3010 Bobby Great knight skulls 67,864,831 21,574
Bobby Great   
Jaims 5936 Bobby Great 9,953,295 6,677
Bobby Great    Muppets II
Odhrorvar 5585 Bobby Great Muppets II 9,439,399 7,783
Bobby Great   
Langendorn 5775 Bobby Great 9,087,644 6,875
Bobby Great   
Noarsil 6028 Bobby Great 8,836,290 6,628