4531 rank

29,631,922 points

21,553 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MsCroft    ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️
Houndsmoor 806 MsCroft ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️ 529,297,488 146,131
MsCroft    Danse Macabre
Dinegu 1532 MsCroft Danse Macabre 218,716,686 108,601
MsCroft    rogue squad
Langendorn 2092 MsCroft rogue squad 103,191,216 48,552
MsCroft    Jurgita
Cirgard 4531 MsCroft Jurgita 29,631,922 21,553
MsCroft    Tombraiders
Fel Dranghyr 7166 MsCroft Tombraiders 6,177,397 9,284
MsCroft    Solitude
Odhrorvar 8575 MsCroft Solitude 1,658,354 3,192
MsCroft    Blood Eagle
Arvahall 17582 MsCroft Blood Eagle 200,304 88