4131 rank

31,197,998 points

14,679 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GatorFett    The Trading Post
Cirgard 4131 GatorFett The Trading Post 31,197,998 14,679
GatorFett    C&H Trading Post
Langendorn 3789 GatorFett C&H Trading Post 27,312,596 5,956
GatorFett    Endless
Mount Killmore 5361 GatorFett Endless 13,154,107 4,637
GatorFett    The Trading Post
Fel Dranghyr 7106 GatorFett The Trading Post 5,766,809 2,223
GatorFett    The Trading Post
Houndsmoor 8075 GatorFett The Trading Post 5,002,773 2,918
GatorFett    The Trading Post
Arvahall 9892 GatorFett The Trading Post 3,666,263 1,236
GatorFett    The Trading Post
Brisgard 10252 GatorFett The Trading Post 1,994,056 664