2722 rank

90,232,611 points

6,009 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
betli    Knights of the Bar
Cirgard 2722 betli Knights of the Bar 90,232,611 6,009
betli    United towns
Greifental 2852 betli United towns 78,135,832 5,245
betli    Ardefact
Mount Killmore 2699 betli Ardefact 75,272,485 6,328
betli    The Dangler
Fel Dranghyr 2968 betli The Dangler 73,852,415 4,943
betli    Carpe Diem
Langendorn 2728 betli Carpe Diem 66,729,387 4,049
betli    Round table Knights
Dinegu 3452 betli Round table Knights 59,347,290 4,527
betli    The XXX Rider
Arvahall 3905 betli The XXX Rider 58,208,521 4,353
betli    Newbies
Odhrorvar 2958 betli Newbies 54,460,616 4,311
betli    Aetherium
Noarsil 3218 betli Aetherium 54,341,277 4,441