5920 rank

14,549,795 points

10,171 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edes the Terrierist    Smiling Assassins
Jaims 4880 Edes the Terrierist Smiling Assassins 18,715,289 11,511
Edes the Terrierist   
Brisgard 5745 Edes the Terrierist 18,390,917 13,036
Edes the Terrierist    Dragon Chasers
Cirgard 5920 Edes the Terrierist Dragon Chasers 14,549,795 10,171
Edes the Terrierist   
Fel Dranghyr 5558 Edes the Terrierist 14,445,893 9,609
Edes the Terrierist   
Noarsil 5761 Edes the Terrierist 10,708,422 10,141
Edes the Terrierist   
Korch 6090 Edes the Terrierist 9,460,027 9,718
Edes the Terrierist    Brave Heart
Langendorn 5793 Edes the Terrierist Brave Heart 9,428,115 9,126
Edes the Terrierist   
Mount Killmore 6539 Edes the Terrierist 8,258,197 9,006
Edes the Terrierist    esprit de corps
Dinegu 7101 Edes the Terrierist esprit de corps 7,321,431 9,736