12383 rank

630,456 points

653 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Clint anderson    Gods of War
Dinegu 9032 Clint anderson Gods of War 2,436,638 2,181
Clint anderson    Manu Forti
Mount Killmore 8799 Clint anderson Manu Forti 2,400,890 2,147
Clint anderson    The mighty JoeBidens
Odhrorvar 8320 Clint anderson The mighty JoeBidens 1,934,847 2,193
Clint anderson    😊 Happy Guild 😊
Langendorn 8426 Clint anderson 😊 Happy Guild 😊 1,788,968 1,444
Clint anderson    These guys suck.
Noarsil 9200 Clint anderson These guys suck. 1,334,720 1,730
Clint anderson    Balkan summer
Greifental 9749 Clint anderson Balkan summer 1,268,851 948
Clint anderson    The Academy
Korch 9776 Clint anderson The Academy 1,149,482 1,208
Clint anderson    Blah blah
Jaims 10407 Clint anderson Blah blah 865,401 805
Clint anderson    Winterpeg
Houndsmoor 11966 Clint anderson Winterpeg 689,746 440
Clint anderson    Eletric Wizard
Arvahall 14148 Clint anderson Eletric Wizard 677,339 742
Clint anderson    Jedi Knights
Cirgard 12383 Clint anderson Jedi Knights 630,456 653
Clint anderson    Just doing it
Fel Dranghyr 11370 Clint anderson Just doing it 606,189 542
Clint anderson    Whatever it takes
East-Nagach 12183 Clint anderson Whatever it takes 492,257 554