6954 rank

8,884,769 points

7,393 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bongo TT    Dragons of Killmore
Mount Killmore 985 Bongo TT Dragons of Killmore 326,233,574 161,705
Bongo TT    Serenity O
Odhrorvar 5379 Bongo TT Serenity O 11,139,304 7,617
Bongo TT    Serenity A
Arvahall 7966 Bongo TT Serenity A 9,393,465 8,210
Bongo TT    Serenity C
Cirgard 6954 Bongo TT Serenity C 8,884,769 7,393
Bongo TT    Serenity B
Brisgard 14186 Bongo TT Serenity B 398,951 364
Bongo TT    Serenity D
Dinegu 13134 Bongo TT Serenity D 331,376 430
Bongo TT    Raza
Uceria 6195 Bongo TT Raza 142,788 98
Bongo TT    Serenity T
Tuulech 8662 Bongo TT Serenity T 65,761 21