16022 rank

131,869 points

53 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Boggy the Great   
Noarsil 13864 Boggy the Great 140,649 75
Boggy the Great   
Cirgard 16022 Boggy the Great 131,869 53
Boggy the Great    The ZOOLANDERS
Jaims 14712 Boggy the Great The ZOOLANDERS 122,078 24
Boggy the Great    NatteVogterne
Brisgard 17505 Boggy the Great NatteVogterne 107,900 45
Boggy the Great   
Korch 15734 Boggy the Great 69,942 18
Boggy the Great    Traders Commonwealth
Houndsmoor 18455 Boggy the Great Traders Commonwealth 44,913 24