8833 rank

3,152,281 points

2,276 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ciallister    Flame of Eternity🔥
Langendorn 450 Ciallister Flame of Eternity🔥 656,199,380 108,685
Ciallister    Hobbits
Odhrorvar 7143 Ciallister Hobbits 3,793,805 2,973
Ciallister    vacation 222
Cirgard 8833 Ciallister vacation 222 3,152,281 2,276
Ciallister    farm101
Arvahall 10604 Ciallister farm101 2,768,463 2,473
Ciallister    Villam Iaspis
Mount Killmore 20593 Ciallister Villam Iaspis 20,144 72