3924 rank

41,518,268 points

22,490 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cherangel    😁 B.o.B 😁
Jaims 779 Cherangel 😁 B.o.B 😁 417,451,077 168,574
Cherangel    two right hands
Cirgard 3924 Cherangel two right hands 41,518,268 22,490
Cherangel    2 right hands
Fel Dranghyr 4904 Cherangel 2 right hands 20,885,863 9,752
Cherangel    Tow Left Hands
Brisgard 6315 Cherangel Tow Left Hands 14,285,573 5,355
Cherangel    Viper Army
Dinegu 7923 Cherangel Viper Army 4,747,016 2,568
Houndsmoor 10197 Cherangel 1,566,264 1,421
Cherangel    The Wacky Racers
Odhrorvar 8954 Cherangel The Wacky Racers 1,330,482 1,406
Cherangel    Two left hands
Korch 11612 Cherangel Two left hands 477,697 393
Langendorn 11854 Cherangel 313,107 496