15173 rank

187,595 points

208 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Adalberaht the Great    young money guild
Brisgard 5881 Adalberaht the Great young money guild 17,341,132 3,219
Adalberaht the Great    No Demands
Dinegu 11518 Adalberaht the Great No Demands 672,970 416
Adalberaht the Great   
East-Nagach 12412 Adalberaht the Great 435,797 396
Adalberaht the Great   
Tuulech 5790 Adalberaht the Great 361,554 460
Adalberaht the Great   
Fel Dranghyr 12892 Adalberaht the Great 299,006 234
Adalberaht the Great   
Cirgard 15173 Adalberaht the Great 187,595 208
Adalberaht the Great    SWORDFISH_69
Arvahall 18195 Adalberaht the Great SWORDFISH_69 156,397 198