20256 rank

24,219 points

68 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maeve the merciful   
Langendorn 7957 Maeve the merciful 2,359,578 3,373
Maeve the merciful   
Houndsmoor 9677 Maeve the merciful 2,018,118 1,868
Maeve the merciful   
Dinegu 9633 Maeve the merciful 1,682,906 2,955
Maeve the merciful   
Rugnir 8008 Maeve the merciful 692,019 2,024
Maeve the merciful   
Noarsil 14053 Maeve the merciful 131,978 305
Maeve the merciful   
Cirgard 20256 Maeve the merciful 24,219 68