3910 rank

37,793,861 points

10,231 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jonsi the Great    Statler & Waldorf
Brisgard 3122 Jonsi the Great Statler & Waldorf 68,122,167 14,297
Jonsi the Great    Better alone!
Arvahall 3554 Jonsi the Great Better alone! 60,250,218 12,215
Jonsi the Great    WOLF PACK
Dinegu 3421 Jonsi the Great WOLF PACK 53,264,334 12,885
Jonsi the Great    Synergy
East-Nagach 3708 Jonsi the Great Synergy 39,661,428 12,248
Jonsi the Great    fair trade guild
Fel Dranghyr 3737 Jonsi the Great fair trade guild 39,276,569 10,766
Jonsi the Great    Drunk Monkeys
Cirgard 3910 Jonsi the Great Drunk Monkeys 37,793,861 10,231
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi alone
Noarsil 3643 Jonsi the Great Jonsi alone 36,357,276 7,879
Jonsi the Great    存在 EXOSTENCE 存在
Greifental 4064 Jonsi the Great 存在 EXOSTENCE 存在 32,806,801 9,267
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi LV
Mount Killmore 3780 Jonsi the Great Jonsi LV 32,545,193 8,836
Jonsi the Great    Just4fun
Korch 3924 Jonsi the Great Just4fun 29,127,183 8,944
Jonsi the Great    My guild! My rules!
Rugnir 2555 Jonsi the Great My guild! My rules! 28,900,550 10,532
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi
Odhrorvar 3743 Jonsi the Great Jonsi 27,458,878 8,875
Jonsi the Great    --V--
Jaims 4090 Jonsi the Great --V-- 27,022,458 7,616
Jonsi the Great    War Sloths
Parkog 2405 Jonsi the Great War Sloths 26,522,652 10,428
Jonsi the Great    My guild, my rules!
Langendorn 4249 Jonsi the Great My guild, my rules! 21,943,436 8,087
Jonsi the Great    Back on my own!
Sinerania 2464 Jonsi the Great Back on my own! 21,277,598 8,764
Jonsi the Great    The Cider Family
Houndsmoor 5326 Jonsi the Great The Cider Family 20,920,296 6,777
Jonsi the Great    Jonsi alone
Tuulech 2099 Jonsi the Great Jonsi alone 9,025,754 4,556
Jonsi the Great    Better on my own!
Uceria 1979 Jonsi the Great Better on my own! 6,791,493 4,644