2189 rank

124,588,824 points

20,026 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maximas Goldentongue    The Final Frontier
Cirgard 2189 Maximas Goldentongue The Final Frontier 124,588,824 20,026
Maximas Goldentongue    Outlaw Roadmen
Brisgard 10016 Maximas Goldentongue Outlaw Roadmen 2,373,553 1,696
Maximas Goldentongue    Oblivion
Jaims 10791 Maximas Goldentongue Oblivion 725,055 507
Maximas Goldentongue    The Hive
Rugnir 8068 Maximas Goldentongue The Hive 692,849 156