8333 rank

4,381,352 points

9,139 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lupin the Lunicorn    -SKYFALL-
Noarsil 143 Lupin the Lunicorn -SKYFALL- 1,566,260,278 554,164
Lupin the Lunicorn    The Resting Donkeys
Brisgard 7872 Lupin the Lunicorn The Resting Donkeys 7,270,260 6,817
Lupin the Lunicorn    Misfits
Jaims 7483 Lupin the Lunicorn Misfits 4,514,434 6,784
Lupin the Lunicorn    TravellingTogether!
Cirgard 8333 Lupin the Lunicorn TravellingTogether! 4,381,352 9,139
Lupin the Lunicorn    justfun
Mount Killmore 8053 Lupin the Lunicorn justfun 3,623,005 6,058
Lupin the Lunicorn    FreeGuild
Greifental 8154 Lupin the Lunicorn FreeGuild 3,392,292 2,530
Lupin the Lunicorn    Winterfel
Arvahall 13914 Lupin the Lunicorn Winterfel 740,374 1,144