6712 rank

9,297,409 points

17,034 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Snazzle    Just for mission
Cirgard 6712 Snazzle Just for mission 9,297,409 17,034
Snazzle    WildThings
Brisgard 10418 Snazzle WildThings 1,878,532 5,571
Snazzle    event
Arvahall 11534 Snazzle event 1,832,121 5,472
Snazzle    Miner
Dinegu 11013 Snazzle Miner 866,056 3,466
Snazzle    The WildThings
Rugnir 9890 Snazzle The WildThings 261,454 761
Snazzle    The WildThings
Fel Dranghyr 13410 Snazzle The WildThings 246,227 737
Snazzle    The WildThings
Jaims 13346 Snazzle The WildThings 237,375 627
Snazzle    The WildThings
Odhrorvar 12463 Snazzle The WildThings 228,913 557
Snazzle    The WildThings
Houndsmoor 14583 Snazzle The WildThings 227,818 571
Snazzle    The WildThings
Noarsil 13016 Snazzle The WildThings 215,785 566
Snazzle    The WildThings
Greifental 13452 Snazzle The WildThings 214,595 640
Snazzle    The WildThings
Korch 13428 Snazzle The WildThings 211,649 551
Snazzle    The WildThings
Parkog 9730 Snazzle The WildThings 210,549 616
Snazzle    The WildThings
Langendorn 12761 Snazzle The WildThings 210,120 557
Snazzle    The WildThings
Mount Killmore 14625 Snazzle The WildThings 199,972 553