7365 rank

7,368,077 points

8,060 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cb500    The Noble Temple
Korch 379 cb500 The Noble Temple 787,627,018 190,334
cb500    GUILD AS GOLD™
Dinegu 2575 cb500 GUILD AS GOLD™ 101,922,223 46,379
cb500    Just here 4 diamonds
Noarsil 3043 cb500 Just here 4 diamonds 59,496,010 39,358
cb500    slaves
Arvahall 7130 cb500 slaves 12,986,260 10,235
Uceria 1860 cb500 9,984,466 10,031
cb500    Take It Easy Guild
Cirgard 7365 cb500 Take It Easy Guild 7,368,077 8,060
Greifental 8038 cb500 3,626,057 2,967