17574 rank

68,161 points

183 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sinerania 1246 Orizont 78,971,665 177,084
Orizont    British Empire
Langendorn 15058 Orizont British Empire 69,110 191
Orizont    Trade Federation
Dinegu 16583 Orizont Trade Federation 68,640 205
Orizont    Silver City Assassin
Cirgard 17574 Orizont Silver City Assassin 68,161 183
Orizont    The Assassins
Greifental 15875 Orizont The Assassins 67,962 179
Orizont    kingdom of hope
Odhrorvar 14960 Orizont kingdom of hope 67,890 177
Orizont    dragons lair
Rugnir 12589 Orizont dragons lair 67,742 172
Orizont    Game of thrones
Noarsil 15309 Orizont Game of thrones 67,661 185
Orizont    New Order
Arvahall 20353 Orizont New Order 67,535 192
Orizont    Whiskey outlaws
Jaims 15894 Orizont Whiskey outlaws 67,509 180
Orizont    Golden Phoenix
Fel Dranghyr 16247 Orizont Golden Phoenix 67,472 176
Orizont    lionheart
Parkog 11937 Orizont lionheart 67,397 181
Orizont    World Wide Order
Houndsmoor 17272 Orizont World Wide Order 67,390 188
Korch 15744 Orizont 67,200 175
Orizont    NO everday play here
Brisgard 18734 Orizont NO everday play here 66,961 190
Orizont    Bold and Brave
Mount Killmore 17274 Orizont Bold and Brave 66,397 182
Orizont    the white rose
East-Nagach 16680 Orizont the white rose 66,200 173