4728 rank

27,192,412 points

14,821 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Deepsouth11    Athena
Jaims 3820 Deepsouth11 Athena 35,957,697 17,945
Deepsouth11    Parabellum
Rugnir 2669 Deepsouth11 Parabellum 32,054,943 18,448
Deepsouth11    It's a Mad Mad World
Tuulech 1282 Deepsouth11 It's a Mad Mad World 30,797,586 17,220
Deepsouth11    The Goods Store
Langendorn 3934 Deepsouth11 The Goods Store 29,863,812 17,386
Deepsouth11    Anzac
Arvahall 5350 Deepsouth11 Anzac 28,878,508 17,302
Deepsouth11    CAMELOT!
Cirgard 4728 Deepsouth11 CAMELOT! 27,192,412 14,821
Deepsouth11    Time out
Sinerania 3417 Deepsouth11 Time out 12,296,555 5,143