10814 rank

1,164,600 points

3,851 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aristotle the Noble 1255   
Arvahall 6616 Aristotle the Noble 1255 15,068,881 25,790
Aristotle the Noble 1255   
Fel Dranghyr 9420 Aristotle the Noble 1255 1,572,153 4,175
Aristotle the Noble 1255   
Brisgard 10914 Aristotle the Noble 1255 1,504,413 5,338
Aristotle the Noble 1255   
Langendorn 8901 Aristotle the Noble 1255 1,327,641 4,003
Aristotle the Noble 1255   
Cirgard 10814 Aristotle the Noble 1255 1,164,600 3,851