9988 rank

1,694,965 points

8,320 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
DUBRAVKO 5    The Royal Hobbits
Arvahall 9835 DUBRAVKO 5 The Royal Hobbits 3,881,210 12,288
DUBRAVKO 5    Flying Dutchman
Brisgard 9447 DUBRAVKO 5 Flying Dutchman 3,108,195 22,054
DUBRAVKO 5    Banana Republic
Dinegu 8581 DUBRAVKO 5 Banana Republic 3,036,863 11,642
DUBRAVKO 5    gerard
East-Nagach 9165 DUBRAVKO 5 gerard 2,108,366 9,752
DUBRAVKO 5    Devil's Playground
Cirgard 9988 DUBRAVKO 5 Devil's Playground 1,694,965 8,320
DUBRAVKO 5    Canadians
Greifental 9497 DUBRAVKO 5 Canadians 1,453,448 282