431 rank

632,082,188 points

387,212 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord Brizzleboy the 5th    Arrowheads
Cirgard 431 Lord Brizzleboy the 5th Arrowheads 632,082,188 387,212
Lord Brizzleboy the 5th    Angels & Demons
Mount Killmore 639 Lord Brizzleboy the 5th Angels & Demons 381,502,555 193,305
Lord Brizzleboy the 5th    Peaceful Traders
Dinegu 721 Lord Brizzleboy the 5th Peaceful Traders 372,730,349 164,811
Lord Brizzleboy the 5th    Kaleidoscope
Parkog 489 Lord Brizzleboy the 5th Kaleidoscope 244,663,058 163,951