12171 rank

672,983 points

547 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
squeeky64    FREE THINKING
Korch 5758 squeeky64 FREE THINKING 10,806,492 3,937
squeeky64    Golden Empire AH
Dinegu 9566 squeeky64 Golden Empire AH 1,779,923 1,227
squeeky64    KCCHK-B
Brisgard 12128 squeeky64 KCCHK-B 888,710 729
squeeky64    Eagle Warriors
Langendorn 9998 squeeky64 Eagle Warriors 760,101 756
Odhrorvar 10126 squeeky64 717,020 687
squeeky64    Kings of the North
Cirgard 12171 squeeky64 Kings of the North 672,983 547
Parkog 7593 squeeky64 668,721 585