12238 rank

668,601 points

26 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steven the Legend    Drunkers
Odhrorvar 4500 Steven the Legend Drunkers 15,439,041 4,174
Steven the Legend   
Houndsmoor 11973 Steven the Legend 717,754 24
Steven the Legend    Belligerant
Arvahall 14014 Steven the Legend Belligerant 704,991 24
Steven the Legend    Diamondies
Cirgard 12238 Steven the Legend Diamondies 668,601 26
Steven the Legend    Demented Donkeys™
Jaims 11047 Steven the Legend Demented Donkeys™ 649,412 22
Steven the Legend    🌷Exideuil☘️
Dinegu 11749 Steven the Legend 🌷Exideuil☘️ 639,148 22
Steven the Legend    MAGA
Rugnir 8031 Steven the Legend MAGA 638,417 22
Steven the Legend    Prestige
Greifental 11257 Steven the Legend Prestige 629,526 24
Steven the Legend    Nipip
Noarsil 10961 Steven the Legend Nipip 582,179 21
Steven the Legend    Timelords
Korch 11406 Steven the Legend Timelords 580,475 21
Steven the Legend    Handshake
Brisgard 13232 Steven the Legend Handshake 580,098 23
Steven the Legend    Aussie Alfys
Mount Killmore 12098 Steven the Legend Aussie Alfys 570,700 21
Steven the Legend    Dads Army
Fel Dranghyr 11663 Steven the Legend Dads Army 567,754 23
Steven the Legend    SFG
Langendorn 10786 Steven the Legend SFG 554,852 23
Steven the Legend    Solo
Parkog 7931 Steven the Legend Solo 511,954 24
Steven the Legend    The Shield
Tuulech 9642 Steven the Legend The Shield 21,939 4