7406 rank

5,425,852 points

6,460 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alyssa the Intrepid 781    Trade & Aid Co.
Noarsil 1876 Alyssa the Intrepid 781 Trade & Aid Co. 102,359,120 41,444
Alyssa the Intrepid 781   
Rugnir 3961 Alyssa the Intrepid 781 8,718,883 9,978
Alyssa the Intrepid 781   
Arvahall 8601 Alyssa the Intrepid 781 6,036,458 8,304
Alyssa the Intrepid 781   
Dinegu 7406 Alyssa the Intrepid 781 5,425,852 6,460