16115 rank

82,629 points

111 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Claudia the Proud 1001    Alfa
Rugnir 7973 Claudia the Proud 1001 Alfa 733,934 889
Claudia the Proud 1001    lct2412
Noarsil 12291 Claudia the Proud 1001 lct2412 287,602 320
Claudia the Proud 1001    dolcela
Parkog 9441 Claudia the Proud 1001 dolcela 247,097 370
Claudia the Proud 1001    Hawkeye
Mount Killmore 14054 Claudia the Proud 1001 Hawkeye 245,901 278
Claudia the Proud 1001    Family
Jaims 13316 Claudia the Proud 1001 Family 222,614 266
Claudia the Proud 1001    Pearl
Dinegu 16115 Claudia the Proud 1001 Pearl 82,629 111