6939 rank

7,530,098 points

4,253 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rhea the Brash 792    THE LORDS
Dinegu 6939 Rhea the Brash 792 THE LORDS 7,530,098 4,253
Rhea the Brash 792    Dragon fire
Mount Killmore 6837 Rhea the Brash 792 Dragon fire 6,802,302 3,587
Rhea the Brash 792    Conquistadores
Rugnir 5091 Rhea the Brash 792 Conquistadores 4,810,697 2,466
Rhea the Brash 792    7th Hills
Cirgard 8173 Rhea the Brash 792 7th Hills 4,587,814 3,956