95 rank

2,003,192,733 points

277,440 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
oliver455    The Uprising
Dinegu 95 oliver455 The Uprising 2,003,192,733 277,440
oliver455    Sky Warriors
Brisgard 2089 oliver455 Sky Warriors 149,023,286 6,541
oliver455    Fire and Blood
Cirgard 2063 oliver455 Fire and Blood 137,886,807 5,001
oliver455    Serbia
Noarsil 2063 oliver455 Serbia 118,865,018 6,533
oliver455    War Zone
Mount Killmore 2140 oliver455 War Zone 112,550,059 6,133
oliver455    🦖Primordial🦖
Uceria 524 oliver455 🦖Primordial🦖 80,853,341 8,710