17710 rank

44,514 points

184 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pixie M    The Tavern
Mount Killmore 11421 Pixie M The Tavern 725,203 887
Pixie M    Jolly Boys Outing
Houndsmoor 13711 Pixie M Jolly Boys Outing 323,043 701
Pixie M    witches n warlocks
Sinerania 9626 Pixie M witches n warlocks 231,350 782
Pixie M    Guildy McGuildface
Parkog 10140 Pixie M Guildy McGuildface 171,390 275
Pixie M   
Odhrorvar 13897 Pixie M 113,207 363
Pixie M    Just Chillin
Jaims 16050 Pixie M Just Chillin 63,604 199
Pixie M    Happy guildmore
Arvahall 21227 Pixie M Happy guildmore 49,536 144
Pixie M    Take It Easy
Dinegu 17710 Pixie M Take It Easy 44,514 184
Greifental 17039 Pixie M PLAY FOR FUN 41,067 145