2544 rank

103,172,445 points

14,249 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dinegu 2544 VP DIS WOLF PACK 103,172,445 14,249
VP DIS    gips
Cirgard 11096 VP DIS gips 1,053,004 465
VP DIS    army of myself
Arvahall 17174 VP DIS army of myself 231,373 92
VP DIS    vp dis
Noarsil 13427 VP DIS vp dis 167,755 116
VP DIS    gfg
East-Nagach 14565 VP DIS gfg 167,605 87
VP DIS    guild of sudd
Jaims 14005 VP DIS guild of sudd 162,911 60
VP DIS    vp dis
Langendorn 13296 VP DIS vp dis 159,783 57
VP DIS    xp dis
Odhrorvar 13173 VP DIS xp dis 157,642 52