6324 rank

9,144,854 points

2,558 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bimboland    TestVérIség
Parkog 139 Bimboland TestVérIség 735,595,246 260,335
Bimboland    😈 TesTvéRiséG 😎
Noarsil 624 Bimboland 😈 TesTvéRiséG 😎 383,938,346 228,506
Bimboland    TestVérIség
Tuulech 234 Bimboland TestVérIség 133,715,398 219,283
Bimboland    Companions
Arvahall 6096 Bimboland Companions 15,754,324 3,494
Bimboland    Not Very Active
Cirgard 5984 Bimboland Not Very Active 11,497,220 3,005
Brisgard 6612 Bimboland 10,250,867 2,806
Bimboland    OAPs united
Dinegu 6324 Bimboland OAPs united 9,144,854 2,558
Bimboland    ⋆The Allstars
Greifental 6736 Bimboland ⋆The Allstars 6,902,866 1,374
Bimboland    the imortals
East-Nagach 7123 Bimboland the imortals 5,920,891 1,454
Bimboland    Agnes
Jaims 6670 Bimboland Agnes 5,910,428 1,188
Bimboland    Order of the death
Fel Dranghyr 7142 Bimboland Order of the death 5,314,296 1,116
Bimboland    carpe noctem
Houndsmoor 7952 Bimboland carpe noctem 5,022,820 1,064
Mount Killmore 7284 Bimboland DIAMOND COURIERS 4,841,264 824
Langendorn 6805 Bimboland 4,617,559 1,009
Bimboland    Guild Of Blades
Odhrorvar 6773 Bimboland Guild Of Blades 4,298,083 988
Bimboland    Human Dragon
Korch 7380 Bimboland Human Dragon 4,185,211 845
Sinerania 14025 Bimboland 28,887 39