8756 rank

2,864,351 points

2,385 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lucilla the Avenger    Free and easy
Arvahall 8414 Lucilla the Avenger Free and easy 7,914,480 4,185
Lucilla the Avenger    Rogue Hideout 🙈
Odhrorvar 6401 Lucilla the Avenger Rogue Hideout 🙈 6,170,183 2,557
Lucilla the Avenger    All Newbies
Brisgard 9147 Lucilla the Avenger All Newbies 3,906,322 2,647
Lucilla the Avenger    Christian Knights
Dinegu 8756 Lucilla the Avenger Christian Knights 2,864,351 2,385
Lucilla the Avenger    all about me
Greifental 11390 Lucilla the Avenger all about me 561,450 808