8285 rank

3,692,722 points

720 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Equinox the Great    Dragon Warriors
Fel Dranghyr 279 Equinox the Great Dragon Warriors 1,202,993,004 181,268
Equinox the Great    Equinox Haven
Brisgard 7887 Equinox the Great Equinox Haven 6,893,004 911
Equinox the Great    Equinox Haven
Korch 7501 Equinox the Great Equinox Haven 4,135,665 651
Equinox the Great    Equinox Haven
Dinegu 8285 Equinox the Great Equinox Haven 3,692,722 720
Equinox the Great    Equinox Haven
Mount Killmore 8278 Equinox the Great Equinox Haven 3,074,059 725
Equinox the Great    Equinox Haven
Houndsmoor 9145 Equinox the Great Equinox Haven 2,817,803 659
Equinox the Great    Equinox Abyss
Jaims 8219 Equinox the Great Equinox Abyss 2,658,134 824
Equinox the Great    Equinox Haven
Cirgard 9563 Equinox the Great Equinox Haven 2,149,481 705
Equinox the Great    Immortals
Odhrorvar 16936 Equinox the Great Immortals 29,256 47